Knowing God’s Will

I’m in a season of life where I’m praying through some huge decisions for me and my family and will probably have some news to announce soon. Whenever I’m trying to discern God’s will for my life, I always go back to what Henry Blackaby taught in his study Experiencing God.

Experiencing God was foundation in my spiritual life and is a study I’ve been through numerous times. In it, Blackaby says that there are ways to know God’s will for a situation in your life. He teaches that God uses Scripture, prayer, the Holy Spirit, people and circumstances. Whenever I’m praying about big things, I look at all 5 ways that God speaks to us.


God never contradicts His Word. If what we are praying about doing lines up with Scripture, then it’s in good company. God also speaks to us through His Word and can open our eyes and hearts to new things through reading His Living Word.


Prayer is a two-way conversation. Having the discipline to pray is one thing. Having the discipline and sensitivity to stop and listen to God speak is another thing entirely. When we be still and know that He is God and stop talking long enough to hear from Him, great things happen. God can impress a thought, idea or dream in your heart in times of dedicated prayer.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has guided me countless times in my life. I can’t tell you how many times the Holy Spirit has woke me up in the middle of the night to speak to my heart OR the Holy Spirit won’t let me fall asleep and I lie awake communing with God. When we stop to listen to that still, small voice – God can lead, guide and direct our steps.


Simply put: God speaks through people. Many will say God speaks through His Church. I believe that’s true, but I’ve also seen God speak through lost people, troubled people, hurting people, music and movies. God speaks to me in a number of ways. I have had many life-changing conversations with people that God used to lead me.


It’s important that we take our circumstances into consideration when trying to discern God’s will in a given situation. Many times our circumstance can be God’s way of saying, “This is what you need to do.” I’m praying through something big right now and our circumstance is a big part of why I believe God is leading me to something new and different. ]

My prayer for you all is that you will consider these five things when you’re praying about God’s will in your life

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